Public involvement is crucial in the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP) update! You are the transportation system users and all the decisions made will affect your everyday life. We need your input on updating the 2050 MTP. Your input will provide recommendations that reflect real world solutions to improve the overall quality of life for you and other residents in the region. Please use the following methods to let us know what you think of our transportation system and what kind of improvements you would like to see.

Your truthful, honest, and candid responses are crucial and invaluable to us. All answers will be treated with the utmost confidentiality, and there is no requirement to disclose your name on the questionnaire. The Corpus Christi MPO will handle the responses with discretion, ensuring the information provided remains confidential throughout the survey process.

Planning Survey

We would like to find out how you feel about your experiences in commuting, transit, and safety concerns on driving, walking, or biking in your neighborhood. Is there a location that you regularly drive that has a problem you would like to tell us about?

Completing this survey should take approximately 5-7 minutes. Thank you for dedicating your time to share your insights; your feedback is highly appreciated.

Active Transportation Survey

We are interested in understanding your perspective on walking and bicycling in the region. To gather this information, we kindly request you to participate in this survey.

Completing this survey should take approximately 7-10 minutes. Thank you for dedicating your time to share your insights; your feedback is highly appreciated.

Driving Habits Survey

We're eager to gain insights into your preferences and habits related to driving.

Completing this survey is estimated to take around 5-7 minutes of your time.

Public Safety Survey

Identify safety issues, locations of concern, and help us prioritize types of street safety improvements.

This survey is estimated to take approximately 5-7 minutes.