Complete Streets are streets designed and operated to enable safe use and support mobility for all users. Those include people of all ages and abilities, regardless of whether they are travelling as drivers, pedestrians, bicyclists, or public transportation riders. The concept of Complete Streets encompasses many approaches to planning, designing, and operating roadways and rights of way with all users in mind to make the transportation network safer and more efficient.
Active Transportation is human-powered mobility, such as biking, walking, or rolling. Active transportation directly replaces motor vehicle miles traveled, so these modes are effective at conserving fuel, reducing vehicle emissions, bridging the first- and last-mile gap, and improving individual and public health. Bicycles, electric bikes, wheelchairs, scooters, and even walking are all considered active transportation.
Micro-mobility has rapidly proliferated in cities nationwide, proving to be a popular transportation option for many users. In response to the increasing demand for walking and bicycling facilities in cities and towns across the country, many jurisdictions are exploring micromobility as an alternative mode for short trips and active transportation.
DRAFT Active Transportation, Complete Streets, and Micro-mobility Plan - Updated November 25, 2024
Active Transportation Stakeholder Group Progress Meeting 2024-09-19
Chapter 1: Executive Summary and Introduction
Chapter 2: Existing Conditions and Plans
Chapter 3: Issues, Needs and Opportunities
Chapter 4: Active Transportation Network
Chapter 5: Recommendations and Implementation
Appendix A: Complete Streets Program Guide
Appendix B: Funding Opportunities
Appendix C: Micro-mobility Plan and Ordinance
Appendix D: Public and Stakeholder Engagement
Appendix E: Ennis Joslin Road Multimodal Street Concept
Appendix F: Ongoing and Planned Projects
Let Us Know What You Think About the DRAFT Plan.
The Corpus Christi MPO invites public input on the DRAFT Active Transportation, Complete Streets, and Micro-mobility Plan during a one-month comment period. The plan is scheduled for proposed approval at the Transportation Policy Committee's regular public meeting on December 5, 2024.
Comments can be submitted online until one hour before the meeting or directly at the meeting. For more details, view the December 5, 2024, agenda for the Corpus Christi MPO Transportation Policy Committee (TPC) HERE.
Please note the TPC Agenda Packet will be posted before the end of the business day on November 28, one week before the scheduled meeting.