
What is a Regional Safety Action Plan (RASP)? - An RSAP identifies crash issues and describes implementable countermeasures to reduce and eliminate serious injury and fatal roadway crashes. The RSAP process involves safety experts, law enforcement, elected leadership and the public to characterize roadway safety problems and identify projects and strategies that cost-effectively address risks on public roads around the metropolitan area. An RSAP implements the Safer Roads, Safer People, and Safer Speeds parts of Safe Systems Approach. A Safe Systems Approach incorporates multiple layers of protection through infrastructure improvements and policy changes with the goal of Zero deaths by Year 2050.

Safer Roads - A street with a raised median and a marked crosswalk at a roundabout with yield signs and a school bus stopped for boarding passengers at the opposite entrance of the roundabout. Design roadway environments to mitigate human mistakes and account for injury tolerances, to encourage safer behaviors, and to facilitate safe travel by the most vulnerable users.

Safer People - Driver point of view, stopping for a person walking a bike across a road at a crosswalk. Encourage safe, responsible driving and behavior by people who use our roads and create conditions that prioritize their ability to reach their destination unharmed.

Safer Speeds - School Zone sign: Speed Limit 20 when flashing. Promote safer speeds in all roadway environments through a combination of thoughtful, equitable, context-appropriate roadway design, targeted education, outreach campaigns, and enforcement.


  • Guiding vision and goals
  • Existing conditions and historical trends
  • Equity analysis
  • Strategies and countermeasures
  • Project recommendations and implementation

Planning Process to Reduce Fatal and Serious Injury Crashes

The Corpus Christi MPO adopts a planning process aimed at reducing fatal and serious injury crashes. Aligned with this, the City of Corpus Christi’s Vision Zero strategy seeks to eliminate all traffic fatalities and severe injuries, promoting safe and equitable mobility for everyone. Additionally, the Texas Department of Transportation’s Road to Zero initiative strives to achieve the goal of eliminating all fatalities on Texas roads by 2050.

Nueces and San Patricio Counties Crash Characteristics

Network Screening

Project recommendations were selected based on an understanding that resources should be allocated where they achieve the greatest safety benefit. The cost-effectiveness is measured by the benefit-cost ratio which represents the ratio of the benefits derived from crash reduction expressed in dollars to the cost of construction and maintenance over the life cycle of the project. The approach began by choosing effective countermeasures and identifying locations where these countermeasures could be applied cost effectively, focusing on the most serious injury crash locations. View Project Locations and Recommendations below: