
Approved by the Corpus Christi MPO Transportation Policy Committee on February 6, 2025

As the federally-designated metropolitan planning organization for the Corpus Christi area, the Corpus Christi Metropolitan Planning Organization (Corpus Christi MPO) is responsible for developing and maintaining a long-range regional transportation plan and the supporting short-range implementation program for the Corpus Christi Metropolitan Planning Area.

Long-range transportation plans are required to comply with federal and state laws for regional and statewide planning, in order for the region to be eligible for federal transportation funding. The primary purpose of the plan is to develop a strategy for the best use of public funds in achieving community goals.

2045 Metropolitan Transportation Plan Update


Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Outreach and Coordination
Chapter 3. Goals and Performance Measures
Chapter 4. Demographics and Context
Chapter 5. Existing Transportation System Conditions
Chapter 6. Financial Plan and Fiscal Constraint
Chapter 7. Analysis and Prioritization
Chapter 8. Congestion and System Management
Chapter 9. Freight and Goods Planning
Chapter 10. Safe System Planning (Sections below)

Chapter 11. Resilience and Security

Chapter 12. Active Transportation System
Chapter 13. Mitigation and Monitoring


Appendix A. Corpus Christi MPO Public Participation Plan (PPP)
Appendix B. Public Comments
Appendix C. Public Notices
Appendix D. Corpus Christi RTA Transit Asset Management Plan (TAM) 2022 Update
Appendix E. Corpus Christi RTA Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan Ver. 3
Appendix F. Active Transportation, Complete Streets and Micro-mobility Plan
Appendix G. TxDOT 2025 Unified Transportation Program (UTP)
Appendix H. FY 2025 - 2028 Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) with Amendment 1
Appendix I. Regional Coordination Transportation Plan for the Coastal Bend
Appendix J. Corpus Christi RTA Operating & Capital Budget & 5-Year Capital Improvement Plan
Appendix K. Port of Corpus Christi Authority Strategic Plan
Appendix L. Glossary of Terms
Appendix M. Congestion Management Process
Appendix N. TBD
Appendix O. Avoid, Minimize, Compensate: Infrastructure Mitigation Policy & Implementation in Texas
Appendix P. Protecting Tomorrow: The Roles of Private For-Profit & Nonprofit Organization in Mitigation Resource Impacts of Infrastructure Projects
Appendix Q. Draft Corpus Christi MPO Mitigation Planning Protocol

Have any questions or comments on the 2045 MTP Update? We'd love to hear from you.


The preparation of this report has been financed in part through grant(s) from the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, under the State Planning and Research Program, Section 505 [or Metropolitan Planning Program, Section 104(f)] of Title 23, U.S. Code. The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the U.S. Department of Transportation.