The Corpus Christi Metropolitan Planning Organization (Corpus Christi MPO) ) invites the public to participate in a series of public meetings regarding the 2050 Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP), a comprehensive blueprint for the region's transportation future.
The 2050 MTP, updated every 5 years, will steer transportation investments and enhancements in the Corpus Christi region for the next 25 years. To ensure that our plan aligns with the needs and priorities of our vibrant community, we are embarking on extensive public outreach initiatives throughout 2024.
Project Updates and Public Involvement
The purpose of public involvement is to share project information, present project updates, and gather public input. The Corpus Christi MPO is committed to working closely with the public on this process.
October Public Meeting Materials
DRAFT Regional Action Safety Plan (RSAP) - Project Page
DRAFT Active Transportation, Complete Streets, and Micromobility Plan - Project Page
DRAFT Regional Safety Action Plan (RSAP) Projects Map
DRAFT RSAP 1-32 Project List Locations and Recommendations
2050 MTP Vision Goals and Objectives
Corpus Christi MPO Planning Boundaries Map
TxDOT Funding Categories
Category Funding for Corpus Christi MPO
Federally Constrained Highway and Transit Project List
How to make a comment
Written comments from the public regarding the 2050 MTP are requested. Comments must be postmarked or received by February 6, 2025, to be part of the official public meeting record. Responses to comments received will be available online at www.corpuschristi-mpo.org once they have been prepared.
Corpus Christi MPO
602 N. Staples St. Suite 300
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401
Email: ccmpo@cctxmpo.us
Online: Submit your comment online
Verbally (in-person): Provide verbal feedback to an MPO staff member. Alternatively, you may submit comments using the comment forms available during in-person visits.
We invite you to explore the Corpus Christi MPO website to discover more about the 2050 MTP and take part in the surveys. Your valuable input will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of transportation in the Corpus Christi MPO region.
Please join us to build a brighter transportation future for our region!
The preparation of this report has been financed in part through grant(s) from the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Transit Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, under the State Planning and Research Program, Section 505 [or Metropolitan Planning Program, Section 104(f)] of Title 23, U.S. Code. The contents of this report do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the U.S. Department of Transportation.